Soaring Eagles Elementary Counseling Program
Welcome to our Soaring Eagles Counseling website! My name is Linda Mandell and I would like to let you know how I, the school counselor, may be of service to you and your children.
What Does an Elementary School Counselor Do?
- Classroom Guidance Lessons: I visit each classroom every other week throughout the school year to teach and interact with every student. Lessons are 30 minutes and cover topics such as friendship skills, school readiness skills, mediation skills, problem solving skills, and career deveolopment skills.
- Individual Counseling: I offer visits for students who would benefit from one-on-one counseling regarding academic, social, or emotional challenges
- Small Group Counseling: I provide a variety of small groups for students who may benefit from spending some extra time developing friendship and social skills along with their peers. Groups usually meet once a week during lunchtime for several weeks.
- Referral and Resource Coordinator: I help coordinate mental health resources to support students struggling with emotional, behavioral and academic issues to help them succeed in school. I also coordinate community resources for families struggling financially.
How to reach me:
[email protected]
Sirena Carnell – [email protected]
office: (719)540-4060